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14 March 2023

Posted in General, Regional and Remote

CUC Clarence Valley Newsletter

CUC Clarence Valley publishes a quarterly newsletter called the CUC Clarence Valley Cooee.

Cooee! is a shout used in Australia; usually in the bush, to attract attention, find missing people, or indicate one's own location. When done correctly—loudly and shrilly—a call of "cooee" can carry over a considerable distance. This is precisely why we’re calling our newsletter the CUC Clarence Valley Cooee; a newsletter with vital information, that will carry over a considerable distance to share exciting news about our wonderful Centre.

In the February issue you will find articles on Community Engagement, Student Graduation Stories, Student Announcements and Community Connections and Partnerships information.

Please find here the link to the recent newsletter – the digital version on Issuu.

CUC Clarence Valley Cooee Newsletter 3 February 2023

Pdf version.

CUC Clarence Valley February 2023 PDF

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